

The series “Máscara” is inspired by the Rorschach card, which is a psychological test for looking into the subconscious of the human mind.

“Hide the identity of one’s face is a simple form of disguise.

”When hiding your face with a Mask, you can be and act as you want. And you can see yourself from the other side of the Mask. You can then discover the person you are.

– Francés Masque, italiano maschera “máscara, disfraz”, latín maskara, – y la palabra en latín «masca» significa bruja o fantasma.



The series “Máscara” is inspired by the Rorschach card, which is a psychological test for looking into the subconscious of the human mind.

“Hide the identity of one’s face is a simple form of disguise.

”When hiding your face with a Mask, you can be and act as you want. And you can see yourself from the other side of the Mask. You can then discover the person you are.

– Francés Masque, italiano maschera “máscara, disfraz”, latín maskara, – y la palabra en latín «masca» significa bruja o fantasma.